Supplier Directory
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SAUTER Deutschland Sauter-Cumulus GmbH
Hans-Bunte-Str. 15
79108 Freiburg
P.O. Box 3 50
79003 Freiburg
Tel. (+49 761) 51 05-0
Fax (+49 761) 51 05-2 34

Industrial valves

According to function, type and materials
Ball valves
Ball valves of copper alloys
Regulators and control valves
Pressure regulators
Temperature regulators
Control valves operated by electric motor
Pneumatically operated control valves
Safety valves - pressure, temperature, level limit
Pressure limiting valves
Temperature limiting valves
Electric multi-turn actuators
Electric linear actuators
Pneumatic linear actuators
According to special fields of application
Water extraction and distribution; sewage water
Sewage water
Butterfly valves
Oil industries (refineries)
Temperature control and limiting valves
District heating supply
Butterfly valves
Shut-off valves
Pressure regulators
Temperature control valves
Safety shut-off valves
Temperature limit valves
Steam generating plants
Control valves
Temperature control and limiting valves
Refrigeration plants and heat pumps
Regulating and control valves
Safety valves
Pressure limiting, pressure control valves
Temperature limiting valves, fusible plugs
Pulp and paper industries
Temperature control and limiting valves
Valves for pharmaceutics and cosmetics
Temperature control and limiting valves

Building Valves

Valves for water supply in buildings
Control valves for drinking water installation
Temperature control
Valves and regulation equipment for heating, air conditioning and ventilation appliances
Radiator valves for single-pipe systems
Thermostatic radiator valves
Control valves
Valves with electrical actuator
Differential pressure regulators
Pressure regulator valves
Temperature regulators
Safety valves
Self acting temperature limiter
Valve spare-parts and accessories
Valves for panel and underfloor heating systems
Valves with defined resistance
Valves for panel heating systems